
Postgraduate Studies

I'm in the university because my intention was expanding my knowledge, because of this, once I finish studying anthropology, my intention is to learn new things that are related with psychology. This is because for me is a really interesting area and I think it is a discipline that can work together with my anthropological studies.  I would like to study this career in Chile, I don't really want to study outside the country because I feel really comfortable here, I have my commodities and I don't like the big changes. So, I think the Universidad de Chile would be a very nice place to study in. In spite of that, I wish I could travel the world while I work on it. Talking about the modality of study, I don't really want it to be online, I really enjoyed the virtuality and get a lot of experiences, but I think it is enough. I really want to know how it is to share with friends in the university and see how hard can it be without some facilities that the virtuality carries.

My future job

  When I think about my future is really hard for me to imagine myself working or having a job, but I think it would probably be being an archeologist or a paleontologist, because since I was a boy I was interested about a job where I can work outdoors and not be locked in a office every day. I would really like to do this job in a future because when I was younger I used to talk a lot about dinosaurs and other different extinct animals that could be buried all over the world, some of them haven’t even been discovered and that thing really fascinated me from a very young age.  For this job, I think i will need to do a lot of travelings, inside and outside the country, for many investigations and different projects, that way I will discover a lot of new places and be astonished with the awesome landscapes that I will see. And for that, I think it is very important to know a lot of languages, or at least English, which I think is the most universal one to communicate and interact with

What's like to study Anthropology?

  I study Anthropology at Universidad de Chile in the Social Science Faculty. I choose this career because when I was a child I used to talk a lot about dinosaurs and other different extinct animals that could be buried all over the world, and that thing fascinated me from a very young age. And anthropology is a career that allows me to get closer to those things that I like too much. In addition, in my time at school, I became interested in the social sciences and humanities, which I really like due to the contact that can be had with people, which I think can be much closer than in other careers. I'm currently in my second year of the career but it has been online due to the Covid pandemic. I think this modality makes the career so different, this way we lost the face-to-face interaction with people, we are not having field trips and other different tools that the Anthropology career provides us. But in other hand, we are learning a different way to do ethnography, where the dis

The pandemic

  For more than a year we have been experiencing a pandemic situation all over the world. This has affected our way of communicating, relating and even at work and studies. New problems have arisen that affect people’s daily lives, among them are: The restrictions to move through the streets, having to quarantine to stay as much as possible in the houses and leaving only for those tasks that are necessary; The stress of an uncertain future, with economic and emotional problems within families; The dependence that internet requires us to keep in touch and carry out work and studies, which now have to be done online; and finally there is the problem of the loss of social ties due to the change in the way of communicating, what used to be face to face is now through a screen, where words often lose their intensity and meaning.  I see the life after the pandemic as an instance of liberation, since all this time we have been sad and missing the freedom that we previously had to move and

The best holidays ever!

The best holidays that I've ever had was in June 2019 when I went to Belgium. I was there for 8 days and I didn't find someone to go with, so I traveled all the way alone. When I was there, I visited the touristic places in Brussels and I had a great time seeing the architecture of the city and eating new foods, then I went to a little town called Dessel, and finally went to Antwerp where I walked a lot every day trying to see the most places that I can, I remember that I walked like 8 hours everyday! But it was worth it because of the many landscapes that I could see.  This holidays was the best because I traveled there just for a music concert that lasted only three days and was the first time that I went alone to another country, I even slept in a tent at the music festival, definitely an amazing experience where I met a lot of people and listened hours of music that I love!!! This is a photo of me with the friends that I made at the music festival <3