The pandemic


For more than a year we have been experiencing a pandemic situation all over the world. This has affected our way of communicating, relating and even at work and studies. New problems have arisen that affect people’s daily lives, among them are: The restrictions to move through the streets, having to quarantine to stay as much as possible in the houses and leaving only for those tasks that are necessary; The stress of an uncertain future, with economic and emotional problems within families; The dependence that internet requires us to keep in touch and carry out work and studies, which now have to be done online; and finally there is the problem of the loss of social ties due to the change in the way of communicating, what used to be face to face is now through a screen, where words often lose their intensity and meaning. 

I see the life after the pandemic as an instance of liberation, since all this time we have been sad and missing the freedom that we previously had to move and do things outdoors, for which I hope that people make better use of their time, being more cheerful and enjoying their day to day as much as possible. 



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