
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2021

The pandemic

  For more than a year we have been experiencing a pandemic situation all over the world. This has affected our way of communicating, relating and even at work and studies. New problems have arisen that affect people’s daily lives, among them are: The restrictions to move through the streets, having to quarantine to stay as much as possible in the houses and leaving only for those tasks that are necessary; The stress of an uncertain future, with economic and emotional problems within families; The dependence that internet requires us to keep in touch and carry out work and studies, which now have to be done online; and finally there is the problem of the loss of social ties due to the change in the way of communicating, what used to be face to face is now through a screen, where words often lose their intensity and meaning.  I see the life after the pandemic as an instance of liberation, since all this time we have been sad and missing the freedom that we previously had to move and

The best holidays ever!

The best holidays that I've ever had was in June 2019 when I went to Belgium. I was there for 8 days and I didn't find someone to go with, so I traveled all the way alone. When I was there, I visited the touristic places in Brussels and I had a great time seeing the architecture of the city and eating new foods, then I went to a little town called Dessel, and finally went to Antwerp where I walked a lot every day trying to see the most places that I can, I remember that I walked like 8 hours everyday! But it was worth it because of the many landscapes that I could see.  This holidays was the best because I traveled there just for a music concert that lasted only three days and was the first time that I went alone to another country, I even slept in a tent at the music festival, definitely an amazing experience where I met a lot of people and listened hours of music that I love!!! This is a photo of me with the friends that I made at the music festival <3  

A country I would like to visit

A country I would like to visit in the future is Germany. Since I was a child I was interested about traveling to some countries, one of them is Germany, it was like that because I was a huge fan of the German soccer team. Nowadays I don't know so much about Germany, neither of its politics nor of the lifestyle that people lead in that country. I want to go there because Germany has the biggest metal festival in the world, called "Wacken". Since I listen to metal i have heard about that festival and I am very excited to go in a few years. I would like to study a little time there, but I don't know if I want to work or live there, I don't like the idea of leaving all my family and friends behind, so I don't think I could live there.  Here is a photo of the Wacken, the metal festival that I would like to go one day :)