A country I would like to visit

A country I would like to visit in the future is Germany. Since I was a child I was interested about traveling to some countries, one of them is Germany, it was like that because I was a huge fan of the German soccer team. Nowadays I don't know so much about Germany, neither of its politics nor of the lifestyle that people lead in that country. I want to go there because Germany has the biggest metal festival in the world, called "Wacken". Since I listen to metal i have heard about that festival and I am very excited to go in a few years. I would like to study a little time there, but I don't know if I want to work or live there, I don't like the idea of leaving all my family and friends behind, so I don't think I could live there. 

Here is a photo of the Wacken, the metal festival that I would like to go one day :)


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